Guitars through the Ages
At the end of each year, my friend Mika and I take a picture of us in the music room holding our guitars. I usually feature the latest one as the cover photo for but wanted to have a place to keep the old ones. That place is here. Welcome to Guitars through the Ages.
Year One
During Middle school, Mika and I began playing guitar and really enjoyed it. Our teacher, Mr. Billy Jones was fabulous and we were improving greatly. As we enrolled in classes for high school both of us inquired about a guitar class we could take to keep improving our skills. None were offered. However, our school did offer a self-lead independent study course where we could take guitar and document our work and improvement to get credit. We both knew immediately that was what we wanted to do. And that's how this site was born.
Year Two
We didn't take a guitar class this year which both of us regret doing. I focused on music production using Logic Pro X and songwriting and Mika focused on music projection as well. During this year we founded a guitar club and practiced during lunch to keep our skills up.
Year Three

For year three we did guitar class together again and ramped up our guitar skills to be better than ever.
Year Four and Onwards
For year four we plan to make our first EP. Stay tuned...