

Recently in a Spanish class an amazing thing was made.

The project?

To build a menu entirely in Spanish featuring you favorite foods. The project must include many dishes and a short skit that utilizes the menu a features your best plates.

The result?

What was born out of this tedious project made from the sweat and tears of three Spanish students? What is this menu that the god's speak of to this day. Flavortown is your homegrown, traditional Spanish cuisine with a mix of the zesty flavors of the South. They have everything from Egg tortillas to Deep Fried Cookie Pie. Here's what some of the critics have to say.

"The best food I've ever put in my mouth" - Anonymous

"Shut the front door, son of Tatum O’Neal, that’s dynamite." - Guy Fieri

"The other night I had Kentucky Fried Chicken, Not the worst thing in the world." - Trump

So where can I get my hands on this amazing menu?

It's easy, just click here to go to the pdf and view it in all it's glory (you may want google translate handy).

To see the featured 404 page, click here instead (make sure your on desktop for the full experience.